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About Us
Landscape Elements ND, LLC

Provides landscaping & maintenance services in the Williston, and surrounding areas. We'll work with you to design the yard you've always wanted. complete with flower beds, stone walkways and anything else you'd like us to add. When we're done, your visitors will be impressed by your gorgeous yard.


More than


Years of experience


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"I just want to drop a note saying tha today, my three year old didin´t take a nap at daycare so he fell asleep on the drive home from work. He was asleep on my shoulder as i carried him from our garage in to our building with one arm an carried grocieres and work stuff in the other. One of the lawn care guys on a ride-on lawn mower came around the corner of building 1403 and saw me walking up to the entrance, stopped the lawn mower at a distance, thought for a second, then turned the lawn mover off.

It was super considerate of him, I could see the gears turning in his head as i was walking up and I really appreciated it. Gave him a nod and a semi-wave, said Thank you, the went inside. Maybe a ten-count after the doors were shut he went on about his business. Quality people, your lawn care guys. Just wanted to say so."


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